The hydraulic pulse interference test was initially developed for characterizing petroleum reservoir permeability and hydraulic connection between production wells. GeoSierra has modified and enhanced the equipment and method for use in characterizing shallow groundwater sites and to act as a quality assurance technology for both iron PRB and slurry wall constructed systems. The first commercial application of the hydraulic pulse interference test was by GeoSierra at its first iron PRB installation at the Caldwell Superfund site in Fairfield, NJ in 1997. Since that time the hydraulic pulse interference testing equipment, procedures and interpretation software have been utilized by GeoSierra at a number of iron PRB installations for both site characterization and quality assurance testing to ensure the constructed iron PRB does not impede groundwater flow.

The hydraulic continuity of the PRB is quantified by pulse interference tests, with pulse source wells on one side of the wall and high precision receiver transducers installed in wells on the opposite side. The test involves a cyclic injection of fluid into the source well and high precision measurement of the pressure pulse in a neighboring well. The time delay and attenuation of the hydraulic pulse enables the hydraulic effectiveness and continuity of the wall to be assessed.

GeoSierra’s pulse interference testing method is also ideal for the hydraulic characterization of complex flow systems, such as fractured bedrock, braided stream and esker deposits. Being a transient hydraulic test, transmissivity and storativity can be determined, and hydraulic flow regimes can be clearly delineated.
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GeoSierra Atlanta  
Suite 119-127
3000 Old Alabama Road
Alpharetta, GA 30022 USA
tel: +1 678-740-8570